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  • Our best headphones for 2024 |

    Our best headphones for 2024!

    Here's a useful guide to help you make the right choice. Some great innovations have emerged, and we describe them below.

    What's new?

    Every headset featured in this article will have at least one of the following enhancements: ...

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  • JBL 2024 stand-alone loudspeakers. Revolution, innovation and continuity |

    JBL 2024 self-contained loudspeakers. Revolution, innovation and continuity!

    The summer season is upon us, and we're betting we'll make the most of it! More than 10 years ago, a new category of electronic products was born to fill a need for outdoor entertainment. Until then, there were the "Ghetto Blasters", bulky, heavy and inefficient radio sets. They weren't very powerful or faithful, and used a lot of energy via disposable batteries. Today, we've made giant strides as artificial intelligence (AI) is introduced, to squeeze every possible decibel out of a more than formidable power consumption! This means unprecedented autonomy. But what about sound? We invite you to read on to find out what's in store for the "James Lansing Company" known as JBL!
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